N, by Arthur Machen


Arthur Machen


“For a moment, my heart stood still, and I gasped for breath. Before me, in place of the familiar structures, there was disclosed a panorama of unearthly, of astounding beauty. In deep dells, bowered by overhanging trees, there bloomed flowers such as only dreams can show; such deep purples that yet seemed to glow like precious stones with a hidden but ever-present radiance, roses whose hues outshone any that are to be seen in our gardens, tall lilies alive with light, and blossoms that were as beaten gold.”


About the Author
Arthur Machen (1863–1947) was a Welsh author best known for his works of supernatural fiction, such as The Great God Pan (1894), The Three Impostors (1895), and The White People (1904). He is widely considered to be one of the greatest writers of horror fiction in the English language.


N Arthur MachenPaperback, 66 pages
Release date: April 9, 2018
ISBN-13: 978-1-943813-68-1
Price: US$9.00