Neo-Decadent Manifesto of Women’s Fashion

Neo-Decadent Manifesto

of Women’s Fashion

Justin Isis


The aspiring Neo-Decadent Woman, bored by the global rise of fast fashion and its attendant tide of misguided influencers, must relearn the proper role of smart textiles, psychic warfare gloves and the contemporary sex helmet. This brief bulletin of twenty-five theses offers a way out of the numerous fashion time loops afflicting our current age of sartorial stagnation and accelerated resource depletion. In short, the ultimate primer for women of all ages seeking to reclaim urban space with style, imagination and proper ritual and relational correspondences.


About the Author
Justin Isis’s previous works include I Wonder What Human Flesh Tastes Like (Chômu Press, 2011), Welcome to the Arms Race (Chômu Press, 2015), Pleasant Tales II (Snuggly Books, 2018) and the poetry collection Divorce Procedures for the Hairdressers of a Metallic and Inconstant Goddess (Snuggly Books, 2016). He also edited Chômu’s Dadaoism anthology (2012), Marked to Die: A Tribute to Mark Samuels (Snuggly Books, 2016) and Drowning in Beauty: The Neo-Decadent Anthology (Snuggly Books, 2018). He currently lives in Tokyo.


Chapbook, 46 pages. Limited edition of 36 copies.
Release date: January 1st, 2019
USA: $8.00