The Flowering Hedgerow

The Flowering Hedgerow

Quentin S. Crisp


The Flowering Hedgerow is a diary of the changing seasons and the “details of time”, spanning the months from February to September—the end of winter to the end of summer—in the year 2016. In one sense a nature diary, it is also a diary of the human quotidian, giving human and nature equal weight. As flowers appear in the hedgerow with the coming of spring, so the themes of the diary gradually develop, in patches at first, then coming to full bloom and anticipating the impending fall.

Enlivened by thoughts on time, theology and technology, and centered upon a few acres of wooded ground, this diary provides subtle undergrowth into which the reader is invited to delve.


About the Author
Quentin S. Crisp was born in 1972, in North Devon, U.K. Leaving A-level college without grades, he spent five years working with Wolf and Water Arts Company as an actor and stage manager before going on to study Japanese at Durham University, graduating in the year 2000. His first collection of fiction, The Nightmare Exhibition, was published in 2001, by BJM Press, while he was teaching English in Taiwan. He returned to Japan later that year to research Japanese literature on a scholarship at Kyoto University, studying in particular the works of Higuchi Ichiyo. He returned to Britain in 2003, and his second collection, Morbid Tales, was published by Tartarus Press in 2004. Since then he has had work released through a number of publishers, including the novella Shrike (PS Publishing), which was shortlisted for the Shirley Jackson Award in 2009. His work has been translated into German and Spanish and he was a speaking guest at the 15th International Book Fair in Mexico City. He currently resides in a damp flat in the London Borough of Bexley, and works as a freelance writer and editor. His first collection of poetry, September, was published by Snuggly Books in May, 2016.



Cover of the book The Flowering Hedgerow by the author Quentin S.CrispPaperback, 202 pages. Release date: July 7, 2020
ISBN: 978-1645250340
Price: US$16.50



Hardcover, 204 pages. Limited to 70 copies
Release date, July 7, 2020
Price: US$33.00